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Vintage Sleds and More in Waconia

Another great year at Waconia’s largest vintage show in the world.  The weather was warm and the snow was hard to find but the snowmobilers were out by the thousands. If you have never been to a vintage snowmobile show, you are missing out big time. I love looking at the history of snowmobiling and it was everywhere you looked at Waconia. This year I spent a lot of time just sitting and taking it all in.

There was a huge swap meet going on with deals as far as the eye could see, great food and my favorite is the ride they do all the way around the lake. It’s so cool just to sit and watch as thousands of vintage sleds parade by with people wearing old time clothes and two stroke smoke filling the sky and people just having a great time.

Every year I see a snowmobile that I have never seen before, this year I saw three that I had no idea existed.  Some of them are restored better than new; some look like they just pulled them out of the barn and then there are some people that like to get a little creative with them.

Waconia, MN is a Vintage show you should mark on your calendar every year. Everybody that reads my articles know I’m always talking about the fun factor. Well this event is over the top for me.

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