Online advertising has never been more economical or easier. As the Internet evolves into a community of people with common interests, advertising online has become the best overall value for maximum exposure, brand recognition and company identity strategies in marketing products and services.
All of our ads are Run of Site (ROS). We currently offer 4 ad zones:
Leaderboard – This is the ad at the top of the page in the header. It is 728 pixels wide x 90 pixels tall. This ad is sold in blocks of 10,000 impressions.
Skyscraper – This is on the left sidebar below the left navigation. It is 160 pixels wide by 600 pixels tall. This is also sold in blocks of 10,000 impressions.
Block Ads – These are located on the right sidebar below the search function. It is 300 pixels wide by 250 pixels tall. These are also sold in blocks of 10,000 impressions.
Preferred Directory – This is the most economical ad available and the best way to advertise your products or services as a very minimal cost. For $50 per month your ad will appear on the Preferred Directory page, as well as rotate on the bottom of each page in random. This is sold in 6 month blocks.
To receive a quote or a copy of the latest advertising Media Guide, please contact MaxSled Sales. We can also design customized quotes, tailored to your specific business needs.