Recreation access advocates expressed disappointment with the recent decision of the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals reinstating the 2001 Roadless Rule. That decision was issued on October 21, 2011 by a three-judge panel over eighteen months after the case was argued. Their 120-page opinion disagreed with the Wyoming district court, emphasizing the procedural lowRead More
Honda Snowmobile? No, Husky Design Concept Electric Sled
Could this be the rumored Honda snowmobile we’ve all heard about the past 10 years? Probably not, but Christopher Wyeth of the United Kingdom can dream, can’t he? He enjoys off-road motorsports and was inspired to create this. If you look closely, you’ll see a lot of out-of-the-box thinking. Electric snowmobiles may not be thatRead More
Snowmobile and Off-road community loses one of its best – Nate Blaylock
In mid Aug the snowmobile and off-road community lost one of the brightest supporters, Nate Blaylock. Nate has spent the last while as Klim’s marketing-promotions manager and has been a great advocate for the snowmobile community. Below is a copy of his obituary and a link to some more info about Nate and a placeRead More
2012 Snow Shoot Rider's Report – Randy Nemitz
Snow Shoot 2012 brought us some of the best snow ever, some of the most incredible sleds ever and what has become one of my favorite locations for mountain riding. With that being said, let’s get started with all of the highlights you have been waiting for. The first area that I would likeRead More
Snow Shoot 2012 Rider's Report – Steve Franta
Day one of Snow Shoot was Tech session day. We visited all four manufactures, signed their waivers and learned all about what’s new for 2012. Arctic Cat stole the show by delivering a whole new line-up. This exciting line for 2012 will definitely make you look twice and consider buying. In the stream of thingsRead More
Max Sled Team Member Steve Franta Joins the Wyoming Pink Ribbon Ride Event.
For the first time ever Maxsled joined the Pink Ribbon Riders for the Wyoming snowmobile guided tour. The event was located at beautiful Togwotee Mountain Lodge just outside Moran, Wyoming. This event was full of people proud to sponsor such a worthwhile cause and their generosity revealed their overflowing hearts of gold. There were thousandsRead More
An Avalanche Story, by Selena Estes
–Contributed by Selena Estes of Woodland, Washington.– Dear friends, I am writing on behalf of my husband and four of his good friends. Three weeks ago he and his riding buddies experienced what every rider fears the most; an avalanche. Winter came late to the Pacific Northwest but when it did it dropped a tonRead More
Snow Shoot 2012 Rider's Report – Dan Canfield
If you tuned in last year for my rider journal from Snow Shoot 2011 you will remember that the snow conditions in West Yellowstone, Mt were less than optimum. So this year, when Snow Shoot 2012 was scheduled for West Yellowstone again I was hoping for better conditions. I really like the West Yellowstone andRead More
Snow Shoot Rider’s Report – Shane Zeppelin
I approach my Snow Shoot Rider’s Report by covering the models that stand out in each segment rather than going brand-by-brand. Each manufacturer approaches these segments in their own way, so I’ll do my best to fit the models in the correct category. I will cover Sport/Trail, Crossover and Touring. I’ll mention the Mountain segmentRead More
Max Sled Team Snow Shoot Rider's Reports
Each year, Max Sled writes our Snow Shoot Rider’s Reports to give our readers some insight into what the snowmobile manufacturers have to offer the coming season. Each manufacturer has great machines to offer with technology and durability so much more advanced than even five years ago. Snowmobiles are made to last longer, go faster,Read More